SICP読書会(Exercise 3.43 – Exercise 3.45)

2015年 02月 23日


SICP3.4.2 Mechanisms for Controlling ConcurrencyComplexity of using multiple shared resourcesをバリバリ読んでExercise 3.45まで解きます。


Complexity of using multiple shared resources

depositwithdraw を組み合わせると exchange のような高レベルの操作を実現できます。
しかし depositwithdraw をserializerで保護しても、これらを組み合わせた exchange はinterleaveされる余地があるので安全ではありません。

Exercise 3.43

Suppose that the balances in three accounts start out as $10, $20, and $30,
and that multiple processes run, exchanging the balances in the accounts.
Argue that if the processes are run sequentially, after any number of
concurrent exchanges, the account balances should be $10, $20, and $30 in
some order. Draw a timing diagram like the one in figure 3.29 to show how
this condition can be violated if the exchanges are implemented using the
first version of the account-exchange program in this section. On the other
hand, argue that even with this exchange program, the sum of the balances
in the accounts will be preserved. Draw a timing diagram to show how even
this condition would be violated if we did not serialize the transactions on
individual accounts.


(define a (make-account 10))
(define b (make-account 20))
(define c (make-account 30))
(parallel-execute (lambda () (exchange a b))   ; P1
                  (lambda () (exchange b c)))  ; P2

最初のバージョンの account-exchange で残高が正常に交換できない実行例としては以下のものが考えられます:

 |        P1                 a      b      c              P2
 |        :                ($10)  ($20)  ($30)            :
 |        :  ________________|     | |     |              :
 |        :  |                     | |     |              :
 |  [Get a's balance]              | |     |              :
 |        :  |  ___________________| |     |              :
 |        v  |  |                    |     |              :
 |  [Get b's balance]                |     |              :
 |        :  |  |                    |_____|_________     :
 |        v  |  |                          |        |     v
 |  [Calculate diff (=-10)]                |     [Get b's balance]
 |        :  |  |                          |________|___  :
 |        v  |  |                                   |  |  v
 |  [Withdraw diff from a]                       [Get c's balance]
 |        :  |__|_____________                      |  |  :
 |        :     |            |                      |  |  v
 |        v     |          ($20)                 [Calculate diff (=-10)]
 |  [Deposit diff to b]                             |  |  :
 |              |____________________               |  |  v
 |                                  |            [Withdraw diff from b]
 |                                ($10)             |  |  :
 |                                  ________________|  |  :
 |                                  |                  |  v
 |                                ($20)           [Deposit diff to c]
 |                                         ____________|
 |                                         |
 |                                       ($20)

全くserializeされていない exchange だと全口座の合計残高が変化し得る実行例としては以下のものが考えられます:

 |        P1                 a      b      c              P2
 |        :                ($10)  ($20)  ($30)            :
 |        :  ________________|     | |     |              :
 |        :  |                     | |     |              :
 |  [Get a's balance]              | |     |              :
 |        :  |  ___________________| |     |              :
 |        v  |  |                    |     |              :
 |  [Get b's balance]                |     |              :
 |        :  |  |                    |_____|_________     :
 |        v  |  |                          |        |     v
 |  [Calculate diff (=-10)]                |     [Get b's balance]
 |        :  |  |                          |________|___  :
 |        v  |  |                                   |  |  v
 |  [Withdraw diff from a]                       [Get c's balance]
 |        :  |__|_____________                      |  |  :
 |        :     |            |                      |  |  v
 |        :     |          ($20)                 [Calculate diff (=-10)]
 |        v     |                                   |  |  :
 |  [Deposit diff to b]                          [Withdraw diff from b]
 |  :           |     :                          :  |  |              :
 |  : [Get balance]   :                          : [Get balance]      :
 |  :           |     :                          :  |  |              :
 |  : [New value: 10] :                          : [New value: 30]    :
 |  :           |     :                          :  |  |              :
 |  : [Set balance]   :                          :  |  |              :
 |  :           |_____:_____________             :  |  |              :
 |  :.................:            |             : [Set balance]      :
 |                                ($10)          :  |  |              :
 |                                   ____________:__|  |              :
 |                                   |           :.....|..............:
 |                                ($30)                |  :
 |                                                     |  :
 |                                                     |  v
 |                                                [Deposit diff to c]
 |                                         ____________|
 |                                         |
 |                                       ($20)


Exercise 3.44

Consider the problem of transferring an amount from one account to another.
Ben Bitdiddle claims that this can be accomplished with the following
procedure, even if there are multiple people concurrently transferring money
among multiple accounts, using any account mechanism that serializes deposit
and withdrawal transactions, for example, the version of make-account in
the text above.

(define (transfer from-account to-account amount)
  ((from-account 'withdraw) amount)
  ((to-account 'deposit) amount))

Louis Reasoner claims that there is a problem here, and that we need to use
a more sophisticated method, such as the one required for dealing with the
exchange problem. Is Louis right? If not, what is the essential difference
between the transfer problem and the exchange problem? (You should assume
that the balance in from-account is at least amount.)


transferexchange も二つの口座を扱う点は共通ですが、

既にserializeされている depositwithdraw を一回使うだけで良いなら全体をserializeする必要はありません。

Exercise 3.45

Louis Reasoner thinks our bank-account system is unnecessarily complex and
error-prone now that deposits and withdrawals aren’t automatically
serialized. He suggests that make-account-and-serializer should have
exported the serializer (for use by such procedures as serialized-exchange)
in addition to (rather than instead of) using it to serialize accounts and
deposits as make-account did. He proposes to redefine accounts as follows:

(define (make-account-and-serializer balance)
  (define (withdraw amount)
    (if (>= balance amount)
        (begin (set! balance (- balance amount))
        "Insufficient funds"))
  (define (deposit amount)
    (set! balance (+ balance amount))
  (let ((balance-serializer (make-serializer)))
    (define (dispatch m)
      (cond ((eq? m 'withdraw) (balance-serializer withdraw))
            ((eq? m 'deposit) (balance-serializer deposit))
            ((eq? m 'balance) balance)
            ((eq? m 'serializer) balance-serializer)
            (else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT"

Then deposits are handled as with the original make-account:

(define (deposit account amount)
 ((account 'deposit) amount))

Explain what is wrong with Louis’s reasoning. In particular, consider what
happens when serialized-exchange is called.

withdrawdeposit を自動でserializeしてしまうと、
exchange のようにこれらを組み合わせた高レベルな操作が作れなくなってしまいます。

serialized-exchange が実行される過程を考えてみましょう。
exchange は以下のステップで構成されています:

  1. 2つの口座の差分を求める
  2. 差分を一方の口座から払い出す
  3. 差分をもう一方の口座へ預け入れる

serialized-exchange は事前に exchange 全体をserializeしてから各ステップの実行を始めます。
ここでは exchange の実行がすぐに始まったとしましょう。

withdrawdeposit は自動でserializeされています。
ところが serialized-exchange が既に実行中です。
serialized-exchange 内の withdraw は大元の serialized-exchange の実行が終わるまで待たされることになります。
しかし withdraw が待たされている限り serialized-exchange の実行が終わることはありません。


3.4.2 Mechanisms for Controlling ConcurrencyImplementing serializersから3.4節の最後までバリバリ読み進めます。